Life at MTailor

We are fit scientists at heart

At MTailor, we are building the world’s most accurate body measurement technology, vertically integrated with our own clothing production. Our machine learning models deliver your measurements with more accuracy than a traditional tailor. We believe every customer deserves a perfect fit!
See Open Positions

Our Core Values

Data and testing

  1. Our hypotheses are tested at every stage of development, from test-driven programming to ensure a feature is working properly, to analyzing user behavior to measure its impact. We like to posit ambitious stuff but then prove it out (or more often disprove it).
  2. We love to test as much as we can with as little work as we can; test the largest idea with the least amount of effort.
  3. We use project management software to establish clear priorities, based on business objectives, so you always know that what you’re working on will make the biggest impact on the business.

Customer-focused mindset

  1. We love to gather feedback! This mindset enable us to provide proactive customer support.
  2. We get user data through user interviews, heatmaps, and data analysis of customer complaints and requests.
  3. We love constructive criticism, because it means we can improve. We surface new technology and products to customers early and often to gather real feedback and iterate quickly based on customer needs.

Continual Growth (For Our Product And Ourselves)

  1. With every new customer we improve our fit algorithms and get closer to a “perfect fit, every time.”
  2. We encourage everyone to be self-motivated and curious.
  3. We have the resources to learn and grow with professional help, including paid mentor services, a speedy contracting process, and frequent facetime with technical reps at our vendors. Not to mention calling in the occasional favor from other Y Combinator founders now and then!


  1. All voices are heard and we take a collaborative approach to problem solving.
  2. We hold monthly meetings where all projects across the company are shared and feedback is encouraged at all levels.
  3. We have bi-annual review cycle for gathering feedback from managers, peers, and direct reports as well as 1-on-1 chats every 2 weeks to communicate roadblocks, concerns, and general wellbeing.
  4. Most major projects involve nearly every employee at the company.
  5. We live by the motto "No jerks, no internal politics." We don’t have to be best friends with our co-workers, but everyone must be treated with respect and kindness.
  6. We guarantee excellent work / life balance and mental health support. We want our team to have free time to recharge, not to be working crazy hours and we value the sanctity of a vacation.

How We Work

  1. We are a globally dispersed company.
  2. We conduct lots of asynchronous work, with some synchronous meetings for collaboration and personal touch.
  3. We value camaraderie and want to make sure everyone feels like part of the team. To do this, we host bi-weekly virtual events to foster community and offer a WFH equipment subsidy to set everyone up for success.
  4. Our team boasts some impressive accomplishments, including the fastest record on at least 2 escape rooms, as well as a few axe-throwing prodigies and trivia wizards.

International Travel

  1. At least once a year, we make sure that our Product and Software teams can meet up in person.
  2. Team members are flown out to US for a 1 week long trip where everyone stays together for a mix of work and community building.


Socio-economic status, ethnicity, age, gender, and size should not prevent you from getting clothes that make you feel good. We believe that we can work towards this mission with openness to change. We know we’re not perfect, and we’re always trying to become better. We always seek new perspectives from a wide variety of backgrounds and are committed to creating a team that reflects this.


  1. Unlimited vacation
  2. Subsidized healthcare (Health [mental and physical], vision, dental) (US only)
  3. Work from home (Including equipment rental subsidy)
See Open Positions

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