Our Technology + Your Phone = The Perfect Fit

Our groundbreaking technology will measure you directly from our app to guarantee that your clothes are made to your exact measurements. No measuring tape needed.

Does it really work?

20% More Accurate Than A Tailor

We brought in 4 professional tailors and 35 people, and we went head to head against them taking body measurements. We came out 20% better!

Our unique measurement app takes 16 measurements across your whole body to ensure that every piece of clothing is a perfect fit.

video overlay

Capturing Your Measurements

Our app captures a brief video and turns that into a full set of custom measurements. We’ve created the technology that can take your dimensions with a simple 360 degree turn.

Record Your Video

Put your phone down, step back 6 feet and turn around once. It takes less than 15 seconds!

record video

Capture Your 3D Point Cloud

Our technology captures your 3D Point Cloud to accurately size your clothes.

capture video
point clod video

3D Scan Finalized & Measurements Created

Our system then can calculate more than 16 measurements to ensure your clothes fit you perfectly.

3d scan video

Have other questions?

Two Ways To Customize Your Items

shop online

Shop Online

Pick your items, customize and checkout directly from our website, and then download our app to get measured.
Mtailor App

MTailor App

Our all in one experience. Get measured, customize your clothes and checkout all at the touch of your finger.

Why custom clothes?

Fit Picture
Our clothes fit 20% better than a professional tailor.
Tick Video
Get measured right on your phone from home.
Custom shirts starting at $69.

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